
Hi there!
I’m Colleen, and I living a gluten free lifestyle. This a challenge for a lot of people and especially for me. I am just starting to really get the hang of it now.
I have always loved makeup, and it has kind of become a passion for me. I love watching YouTube videos and trying new products, it is exciting to me! And I started to realize that some of the products I was using could be reversing all of the work I was doing by eating gluten free.
For some strange reason, the cosmetic industry has made itself like a corn maze, and not the fun kind. Most manufactures are nowhere near straight forward with what their products are made of. It is incredibly confusing and I didn’t feel like I could believe any it.
I am taking my gluten free “diet” and making sure I am doing everything I can to keep myself healthy, hence the now gluten free “lifestyle”.
This blog will be devoted to “safe” cosmetics, products that don’t have any gluten ingredients, mixed in with some of my personal opinions
If I can help one girl get a simple answer to a product question, all my effort with be more then worth it. I’d be more then happy to answer any questions you might have about any products, and make the answer not a corn maze of confusing rambling that most cosmetic companies think is acceptable. Just send me the product info/question to either the email or twitter below.

Email: gfbeautydetective@gmail.com
Twitter: twitter.com/gfbeautydet

Thanks for reading!

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